Directed by Alex Gargot Produced by Grayskull Edited by me Grade by Julia Rossetti VFX by Nacho Naya

Freelance Film Editor & VFX from Barcelona
Directed by Alex Gargot Produced by Grayskull Edited by me Grade by Julia Rossetti VFX by Nacho Naya
Directed by Jordi Clusella DOP Pepe Gay Produced by BeSweet Agency Lola Grading Metropolitana Edit by me
AGENCY &Rosàs DIRECTORS Erik Morales, Miquel Diaz Pont PRODUCTION CO Primo GLASSWORKS On Set Supervisor and Lead 2D Artist: Carlos de la Sotilla Lead 3D Artist: Javier Verdugo 3D Artist: Abner Marin, Andre Gama, Kiko Navarro, Pol Soler, Marc Garcia, Gerard Foix Segura, Ignacio Santalla, Igor Gouziev 2D Artists: Albert Garcia, Gabriel Garrido, Marti Pujol,…
Directed by Femke Huurdeman DOP Marc Miró Production Co. Canada Postproduction House – Bliss Comper – IAMETO
Directed by Esther Padial Produced by Finesse Films Graded by Moonlight Edited by me
Director: CATXO Executive Producer: MARC GARDETA Producer: RAQUEL PÉREZ DOP: ORIOL VILA AD: LULA AULADELL 2nd Unit Direction: ADRIÁN ERRE Production Manager: CRISTINA CAVANILLAS Art Director: JUDITH HERNÁNDEZ Stylist: IMMA RONDÁN Makeup & Hair: PEPA PEREA Home Economist: DANI MUNTANER Casting Director: MERCÈ RAMOS Edit: HÉCTOR CORNELLES Color Grading: ANDREA VÍTORES Sound Postproduction: OIDO
Directed by Alex Gargot DOP Luis Guijarro Production Company Grayskull Agency China VFX Miopia FX
Directed by Keane Shaw Produced by Blur Postproduction House: Perfect Bliss Comper – Me
Agency DARK Horses & FUSE Production Oxigeno & Wecar Executive Producer: Aleix Perales & Ingrid Calvo &Valentina Attalla & Aitana Coca Director: Marcos Mijan DOP: Octavio Arias Editor: Giacomo Prestinari Color: Fran Condor Postproduction House – Wild Pony
Directed by Manson Produced by Canada Animation and VFX by BLISS Comper – Me 🙂