Directed by Joan Galo Produced by Garage Films Postproduction House Fake Studio Smoke artist David Martinez and Iameto
Category: VFX
CaixaBank Patrocina
Anunciante: Caixabank Productora: We are Sunday Agencia: Muntañola Director: Aleix Vilardebò D.O.P: Àlex Font Op. Càmera: Josep Malo Montador: Héctor Cornelles Colorista: Cristina Pérez
Guadalupe Plata – Qué He Sacado Con Quererte
Directed by NYSU Produced by Garage Films Postproduction House: Fake Studio Smoke Artist: David & IAMETO
Campaña Affinity #NoSonUnJuguete
Directed by Pol Ponsarnau Produced by Sunday DOP Àlex Font Color Grading Cristina Pérez Offline and Online Edit by IAMETO
Conforama – Sofing
CONFORAMA Directed by Miguel Bueno Produced by Garage Films Postproduction House: Fake Studio Smoke Artist: IAMETO
Seguros Bilbao
Seguros Bilbao Produced by Garage Films Directed by Bruce St Clair VFX Postproduction House: Fake Studio Smoke Artist: IAMETO
NorteHispana Seguros – Instantes de una vida
Norte Hispana Produced by Garage Films Directed by Bruce St Clair VFX Postproduction House: Fake Studio Smoke Artist: IAMETO
Turismo de Canarias
Produced by Garage Films Directed by Diego Pernía Postproduction house: Fake Studio Smoke Artists: IAMETO with other smoke Artists.
Danone Light & Fit
Client: Dannon Light & Fit Production: Garage Films Post & VFX: Fake Studio
VUELING – Modo Avión
VUELING – Ponte en Modo Avión Directed by Mónica Heredero Produced by Los Producers // Wearesunday Smoke Artist: IAMETO